Blocking Online Gambling - Danny's Story

Danny Speaks about His Journey of Gambling Addiction.




From as young as 18, Danny would find himself gambling every paycheck he had away. This would become a repeated cycle every month of being paid, waking up at 4 am and gambling it all away by 6 am. Danny would then have to find a payday lender, or any other way to borrow money, just to be able to afford a bus pass for the month to get into work.

Danny recounts his lowest memory is when he was sat next to his ill mother in hospital, finding himself placing bets on his phone. He came to realised he was more concerned about the bets he placed than his ill mother.  

Danny had always wanted to stop his gambling habit, but only started trying to stop in his late 20s, realising he had missed out on so much in his life.

"I would still be gambling if it wasn't for the Gamban App and others, because I would have all the temptations there to gamble, constantly.

Life now is good. I don't worry about money, I don't have to tell lies to my friends, I've set myself targets and I'm looking forward to tomorrow. Whereas when I was gambling I used to dread waking up each day."

Danny is just one of the many problem gamblers who have been helped, not only by Gamban, but by the number of gambling support organisations that are available.

For more information on Gamban's Gambling blocking click here.

For more resources on how to self-exclude from online gambling click here.


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